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The Most Damaging


That no one talks about

The 40%

Many people underperform, but they don't know why.Here is a list of common symptoms.

They are all created by accidental conflict of thinking.

- Imposter Syndrome

- Procrastination

- Excessive self-doubt

- Excessive fear of failure

- Excessive fear of criticism

- Anxiety

- Perfectionism

- Overworking

- Stress

- Overwhelm

- Burnout

- Damage to work/life balance

Self-doubt helps us make better decisions and create better results when used at the right time.

The same is true for procrastination, fear of failure and anxiety. When we use these processes correctly, they help us be more successful.

However, when we use them inappropriately, they damage results more than any other single factor.

40% of people have crippling self-sabotage thinking, which means they underperform in their careers, income and personal life.

This is why dealing with these issues is many people's most important first step. Typically, this takes less than 4 weeks.

These issues disrupt our decision-making, ultimately damaging results.

How do you know if you are blocking yourself?

Do you know you are capable of more but keep holding back?

Do you second guess yourself more than is useful?

Do you procrastinate when you know you should and could be taking action?

Does the fear of failure or criticism stop you from taking action?

Do you hold back from going for the right goals?

Do you go for smaller goals than you could and should?

Do you live in anxiety about taking action?

Do you underprice yourself?

Do you hesitate to tell people how good you are?

Are you a perfectionist?

Do you have Imposter Syndrome?

Are you frustrated with your lack of achievement?


If you suspect that you are among the 40% of people who accidentally block themselves, please book a call.

The sooner we know, the quicker we can turn this accidental thinking off.


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